Ultimate Birthday Bundle

Item # 16929
Ultimate Birthday Bundle


Ultimate Birthday Bundle Details

Turn their birthday party into the ultimate bash with our sensational bundle of birthday gifts! (may sub white cushions with white daisys)(bear/chocolates/balloon may vary upon availability)

MANY COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM...RED, ORANGE, PINK, YELLOW ETC...Give us a call to find out what colors are available.


AS SHOWN- 6" cake with 1 rose in center, birthday candles, large bear, small box chocolates and a balloon

DELUXE- 9" cake with 1 roses in center, birthday candles, large bear, small box chocolates and a balloon

PREMIUM - 9" cake with 3 roses in center, birthday candles, large bear, Medium box chocolates and a balloon

(vase/baskets/accessories may vary upon availability)

Add these items to my gift (optional)

Ultimate Birthday Bundle
Occasion-Accessory Picks
Ultimate Birthday Bundle
Ultimate Birthday Bundle
Plush Teddy Bear

Substitution & Delivery Policy

Due to unexpected conditions across the globe, flowers/products may have to be substituted due to availability. Arrangements may not look exactly like pictured but will be just as beautiful. Any questions or concerns please give us a call.

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