Precious Peace Bouquet

Item # CFT63
Precious Peace Bouquet

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Precious Peace Bouquet Details

Show them that they are in your thoughts and prayers with this beautiful silver cross vased arrangement. This Cross vase will bring them comfort during a difficult time.

AS SHOWN - One dozen white roses and half dozen red carnations with mixed greenery.

DELUXE - One dozen white roses, half dozen red carnations, babys breath and mixed greenery to make a fuller arrangement.

PREMIUM -  18 white roses, half dozen red carnations, babys breath and mixed greenery to make a larger styled arrangement.

(Can choose what color you would like the roses and carns to be, just put it in the note section when checking out)

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Substitution & Delivery Policy

Due to unexpected conditions across the globe, flowers/products may have to be substituted due to availability. Arrangements may not look exactly like pictured but will be just as beautiful. Any questions or concerns please give us a call.

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