Ultimate Rose Basket Bouquet (YOU CHOOSE THE ROSE COLORS)

Ultimate Rose Basket Bouquet  (YOU CHOOSE THE ROSE COLORS)

Choose Rose Color

Ultimate Rose Basket Bouquet (YOU CHOOSE THE ROSE COLORS) Details

Want an over-the-top presentation of roses?  Here's your answer, The Ultimate Rose Basket.  This is 8 dozen roses artfully arranged in a huge basket with rich green fern and babies breath to complement. Choose all one color or a mix of two colors. Use the dropdown box to pick your color or colors.  Call us if you need assistance with a different color or combination not listed. (basket type/color may vary upon availability)


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Ultimate Rose Basket Bouquet  (YOU CHOOSE THE ROSE COLORS)
Occasion-Accessory Picks
Ultimate Rose Basket Bouquet  (YOU CHOOSE THE ROSE COLORS)
Ultimate Rose Basket Bouquet  (YOU CHOOSE THE ROSE COLORS)
Plush Teddy Bear

Substitution & Delivery Policy

Due to unexpected conditions across the globe, flowers/products may have to be substituted due to availability. Arrangements may not look exactly like pictured but will be just as beautiful. Any questions or concerns please give us a call.

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